Re-Reading: Magnus Robot Fighter #23

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Re-Reading: Magnus Robot Fighter #23

Post by xoken »

I thought we could do a book a day (that way people can read one every day or catch up on weekends), talk about it on its own, in the context of whats next, in regards to what expectations it creates and vote on how good it is. I don't have to be the one that posts everyday. If I miss a day or if someone wants to take over please do

For voting think of your single favourite comic book (not just VALIANT) as the benchmark - thats a 10 - and grade according to that.

Make sure to mention what you like'd about the book, what you didn't, what you wish they would have done, your favourite panels, lines of dialogue, little bits of trivia etc.

Magnus Robot Fighter #23

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Todd Luck
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Post by Todd Luck »

So Magnus thinks he can just pull someone in ship and say "we're on a suicide mission" and the person won't mind? He's either really dense or really cold I can't decide which.

And it seems like Magnus could come up with something better than ramming the ship. If they had rammed it and the emperor got to an escape pod it would've all been for nothing.

The Malev Emperor is also a little whiny. If you didn't want your drones to talk you shouldn't have built a voice box.

And turning Issac into the Incredible Hulk (his "natural" ability :roll: ) is lame beyond words :roll: .

Still a decent action story here and seeing North Am get taken over (again) is interesting (though it seems a little much to think the Malevs could secure an enitre continent in just a few hours).

The art's still great.

A 6.

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Re: Re-Reading: Magnus Robot Fighter #23

Post by magnusr »

The Malev invasion is getting cemented. More and more obvious this is the setup for a long story. This is not Manning's Magnus anymore, neither is it Shooter's. I liked both of them. Will I like this comic? The ride there is decent but not more. We'll see.


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Re: Re-Reading: Magnus Robot Fighter #23

Post by magnusr »

Seaborn's synopsis:

As the Malevs mass outside the Mainbrain Computer complex, General Mimsy resolves to destroy the complex rather than let it fall to the Malevs. Leeja and M’Ree battle Malevs in the streets and M’Ree apparently sacrifices herself to save Leeja. Magnus and Izak, aboard Magnus’ ship, plan to attack the Emperor’s vessel heading for Earth. They are attacked from within by a warrior class Malev and from without by the force guns of the Emperor’s ship. Magnus defeats the warrior, but the stress of the attack transforms Izak into his unstable, but powerful, alter ego. Magnus’ ship crashes near Synchron and Tekla dispatches med-robs to the crash site. Malev borers invade the Mainbrain complex and General Mimsy is rendered incapable of activating the destruct process. Timbuc flees in terror leaving the facility to the Malevs.


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