Crisis of confidence?

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Crisis of confidence?

Post by Gafti »

Been a Valiant fan for a short time, and there is one thing I have noticed. Not sure if it is just my perception, or the reality of things.
Is there a growing contingent of older school fans who are upset with recent direction of the company? And if so, why?
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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by ShadowTuga »

Gafti wrote:Been a Valiant fan for a short time, and there is one thing I have noticed. Not sure if it is just my perception, or the reality of things.
Is there a growing contingent of older school fans who are upset with recent direction of the company? And if so, why?
You should have been here in 2012. One would think that some "fans" wanted this version of Valiant to have a quick death asap. 8-)

I'm not an OG Valiant fan, but I am old-school as old-school gets when it comes to VEI. Read X-O #1 the day it was released. :P
If you care for my opinion, here it is: I think that the diversity in tone of the series, while very appreciated by many fans- and critics- puts others off. Comes with the territory, if you're putting Faith and A+A then Ninjak and Bloodshot Reborn on the stands. It works for Valiant but it has some of us less happy. And we're pretty vocal about it, it's not like MANY people feel the same, just a few couple of fans. You go around the web outside this site, you do not see all this *SQUEE*'. :thumb:
Also: some people who would like to enjoy the entire roster of books, feel butt-hurt because some of them are not for them (I put myself in this category). My example: I wanted this company to have an occasional lighter book, but the rest of the line- adult superhero stuf. Adult as in intelligently written, like Dysart, FVL or V-Ditty did. I felt bummed when Q&W had their own series even before Ninjak did. But I happened to like that first arc a lot. :? So, my version of what I wanted for VEI was dead in 2013. I still buy their books, just not all of them.

The maxi series and renumbering style also don't sit well with some of us. It is tiring to have to warn my LCS every other month that this or that are beginning/renumbering. And Minis are basically TPB material, so there's that also. I see a mini announced, I now think if it is better to tradewait, given the price of current comic singles.
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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by otomo »

What shadowtuga talks about is really the current state of the comic industry. The sad truth is that #1 issue is quite a $$$$ nut and there's always a drop off, so comic companies are incentivized to do this maxi-series set up. I mean, Marvel may wait longer then renumber amazing spider-man back to #700 or whatever when they have a "milestone" so it hides it to some extent, but they're doing it too. Comes from most of us comic folk being too OCD to just pick up something at issue #13 and read from there, we need to start from #1 and if it's too far off, it becomes too pricey so we don't bother. Only way to stop that trend is to stop doing that as fans, which I don't think is in our nature.

He does nail a good point unique to valiant though which is the diversity in tone from the comics. I'm brand brand new, only a couple of months into this journey though I've been lucky enough to have read 30+ TPBs because someone dropped a buttload off at half price books. You definitely won't get the same look, story or feel from one book to the next. As a writer, I appreciate that because there's nothing more boring to me than reading the same story over and over... but like a rock band who has their concert of their one hit and the crowd goes wild but then they sit for their new stuff... having that varied tone doesn't carry over all the time. I'm happy to try out anything Venditti or Kindt writes at this point, and if you've read Kind'ts non-Valiant stuff, that man has range in writing like I've never seen. Super talented. I want to keep this direction going and I'm as jazzed as can be about it. Haven't been this excited for comics in over a decade.
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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by TheFerg714 »

Gafti wrote:Is there a growing contingent of older school fans who are upset with recent direction of the company? And if so, why?
(I would consider myself a new fan.. started in 2014 with Armor Hunters and Rai)
Yea, it seems that way doesn't it? ShadowTuga hit a lot of major points in his post: annoying renumbering, diversity of tone, "childish" books, etc.

I think Valiant made a conscious decision in 2016 to try new things, and they had to have known that it was going to throw off "original" fans. I think everyone was fairly okay with Q&W because it was just one book, but when they hit us with A+A, Faith, Gen. Zero, and Renegade all within an 8-month period, it started to feel like Valiant was moving away from them. It doesn't help that fan-favorite Imperium and the original VEI series, X-O Manowar, got canceled around the same time too.
Personally, I think it was a bit of a overreaction. During that time we still got great adult books like Brittania, Savage, Bloodshot Reborn, Ninjak, Divinity, Rai, and the aforementioned Imperium and X-O, so I don't think there was much to complain about. Plus, (some of) the 'Valiant Lite' books actually turned to be quality stories. And honestly, did they think that Valiant wasn't going to return to their mainstays on their 25th anniversary? It looks like this year is trying to appeal more to the core fans.

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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by Serpentor »

I'm not collecting the new series due to the excessive use of multiple covers. I am a completist. It cannot be helped...the OCD is insurmountable. Since I'll never bother with tracking down 10 variants of every issue, I choose to buy none of them instead.

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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by Shadowman99 »

This is a question with a really complicated answer. And it's also worth keeping in mind that actually, opinions are as varied on the boards here as anywhere else. Personally I wouldn't be so sure that there's a growing contingent of old-school fans that are coming to dislike the overall direction that VEI are taking, but I guess we might need a few more properly old-school fans to chip in with their thoughts in order to really know that (which will never happen, because even this board only represents a fraction of people who've ever had anything to do with Valiant, let alone in the 90's era).

My thoughts then:

I think that since about the third year of the company, following the re-establishment of Valiant's hard-hitting characters (Shadowman, XO, Bloodshot, Harbinger) the company seem to have felt more at liberty to try out new, fresh ideas. I think some people are more receptive to more radical ideas than others, based on preconceptions or their tastes in comic media. For example, some people here seem happier with the 'more lighthearted' comics than others, so that's one case where distaste at VEI's output might become apparent. Doesn't mean it'll always be the case though: when Archer and Armstrong was first on the cards, there was uproar on the boards that no-one could ever write the characters as well as the guy that wrote the original comics back in the 90's (sorry, I forget who did that, I'm new to Valiant since day 1 of VEI, I'm not an old-school dude), however, after a time board members came to appreciate Fred van Lente's take on the characters, and the cycle repeated with Rafer Roberts' take over of the book - unfortunately in his case, I don't think he managed to win the crowd over quite so convincingly... But see what I mean? The majority of the board's attitude shifted from 'FVL can never write this comic as well as ***' to 'Nobody can write this comic as well as FVL'.

Also, as Shadowtuga pointed out, outside of this board there are some radically different opinions than the ones that seem to prevail here. For example, opinion on the original Quantum and Woody series here was always just a bit lukewarm in general - nothing more, nothing less. Outside the board however, general opinion seemed more like "Q+W is FANTASTIC! BEST COMIC EVER!", so there's clearly a difference in the opinions on the books in different places. Maybe that's a result of varying degrees of 'commitment' to VEI as fan, or maybe not, it's hard to say.

The rebooting of titles seems to have irked quite a few folk here. Personally I'm fine with it based on the attitudes I take toward it, but other hate it, which then possibly reflects on their overall opinion of the company and its output. But again, there's the key - some people here hate this practice, and some don't: it's hard to draw a meaningful overall inference from a situation like that.

It's difficult to answer your question accurately, but I think that a few more thoughts from the 'old-school' contingent might go some way toward giving us a clue.
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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by FormerReader »

Gafti wrote:Been a Valiant fan for a short time, and there is one thing I have noticed. Not sure if it is just my perception, or the reality of things.
Is there a growing contingent of older school fans who are upset with recent direction of the company? And if so, why?

I think you're reading too much into fans complaining on the internet. No one is going to agree with every decision a company makes.

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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by tchalla8 »

I enjoyed the new VEI at its original incarnation. I thought all 4 of the first run of titles were executed excellently. And I still like quite a few, but I definitely think the line wide tonal shifts and truncated series began to interfere with some of that enjoyment. But for me the biggest thing that causes me angst is the revolving door of artists teams on each series. To me the art is just as important from a consistency standpoint as the writing. And that's one of things I loved about the old VH1. That "house style" that gave you an overall sense of continuity within a title an between titles. That doesn't exist anymore. So when the VEI art suddenly takes a drastic turn from one book to the next I feel like I'm looking at completely different characters and reading a completely different story than the arc before it. Quite a bit of the writing is still excellent, but from the beginning I've been really against the rotating artist method. Which is why I loved Crain sticking with Rai and Hairsine with Divinity. Even if it meant taking breaks between arcs.

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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by nycjadie »

I'm surprised there aren't more old school fan grumblings on the Internet, but I had this exact conversation with Matt Kindt and Eric Heisserer at ECCC. I said it's easy being a Valiant fan now. It wasn't always that way. Many of those post-Unity books were really bad. But at the end of the day, you guys all make it really easy by creating great stories.

They launched just as they should - appealing to us uber fans first, and then branching off. The success of Divinity, I believe, gave them the wind to try new characters and stories. If you like Valiant characters for whatever reason (they personally appeal to you, it's nostalgia, we all like to like something), then most of the new Valiant stuff is going to appeal to you because they are good stories.

I don't like everything they do. And I can be critical of a few things that I think might hurt their characters over time. For example, I think the direction they have given Faith is alienating fans of the series (and may be alienating new fans by what I'm hearing from the women's reading club here). I'm not a fan of Rafer's take on A&A. That coupled with the artwork has made the characters a bit too slapstick for me...out there.

We've all chosen the cult of Valiant. There will be parts we don't like, as every cult has drawbacks. I'm not bothered by them experimenting with new marketing gimmicks. If you don't fail, you aren't taking enough risks. Not everyone is going to like them. I'm less bothered with buying a 1:20 variant for a special story (because I can get it). I'm bothered by not having the ability to buy an X-O beer (boy, did I have to pull strings to get one), or the awesome web series prints. There will always be someone who misses out on something.

The creators are fans themselves. It's clear they enjoy it (although, I'm sure some of that sheen has worn off after 5 years, and after you've said the same thing at every con, it doesn't come off quite as fresh as it did at day 1). The enthusiasm for the books and the entertainment they hope to create shines through. Honestly, I love my job. I have been blessed to be doing exactly what I want to do, and where. I am grateful every day for it. However, if I were to do something else, I would join a small company like Valiant - an experienced, smart, passionate group of people, who have big dreams and immense joy with what they do (and the desire to reach every person on the planet).

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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by Phoenix8008 »

Gafti wrote:Been a Valiant fan for a short time, and there is one thing I have noticed. Not sure if it is just my perception, or the reality of things.
Is there a growing contingent of older school fans who are upset with recent direction of the company? And if so, why?
First of all, I'd like to clarify a definition: by 'older school fans', do you mean those who collected Valiant in the 90's, or those that have been collecting Valiant since the restart in 2012 (or close to then)?

As for myself, I fall into the earlier category since I've been collecting Valiant since the 90's. In my opinion, I'm not too upset overall about the direction of the company, but there are a few small things I'm not as happy with as I'd like to be. I'm actually curious as to what specific 'direction' you're referring to that you think has people so upset. I can take a few guesses based on things I've read recently myself though...

Unlike some, I'm not as turned off by the more 'light-hearted' series that VEI has been putting out recently. I actually like the Faith mini series and ongoing. The A&A series was less good because of the art style and the storytelling, but I loved the 2012 Archer & Armstrong by FVL. It was just 'smarter' storytelling to go along with the humor. The recent A&A series was just more slapstick like Q&W, which I also didn't care as much for, but I still collected all of them.

The other 'direction' I might see as annoying is the increase of mini/maxi series, and the rebooting of series. I'm old school in my wish for the days when titles lasted for hundreds of issues before ending. I understand the reasons for why VEI does what they do, and I'm putting up with it. It's not without reason. Restarting after a break to start over with a new author on the title is MORE REASONABLE than just restarting every 6 months ONLY for a new #1. It's not like one from Marvel or DC (I forget which) I heard about a couple years ago that ended one month, and restarted 1 or 2 months later with the same creative team. Maybe it was Daredevil.

As for all the mini series lately, I agree with TheFerg714, I think VEI had some solid properties and wanted to try out some new things. It just happened that they were doing a whole lot at the same time when they were in breaks from more ongoing series. I would prefer VEI keep it around a 2 to 1 or a 3 to 1 ratio of ongoing series vs. mini-series, but that's just my opinion. We seem to be coming back into a time with a more solid ongoing lineup, so I'm still following along and enjoying.

I may not be totally happy with some of the 'directions' VEI has taken, but they haven't come close to scaring me away since Dead Drop. Overall, I'm pretty pleased and expecting things to continue improving over time. VEI will live and learn from what their customers love and hate.
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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by drmirage »

I consider myself a Valiant fan and enjoy reading the VH1 books more than the new books.

I'm not upset about the direction VEI is going, but I just personally enjoy reading VH1 more than VEI.

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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by greg »

Gafti wrote:Been a Valiant fan for a short time, and there is one thing I have noticed. Not sure if it is just my perception, or the reality of things.
Is there a growing contingent of older school fans who are upset with recent direction of the company? And if so, why?
To echo what others have said, I don't believe there is a "growing contingent".

There have always been some "older school fans who are upset with recent direction of the company".

1991 - some "old school fans" (of Gold Key Magnus and Dr. Solar) were upset that Valiant was trying to steal "classic" characters.
1992 - some "old school fans" (since 1991 :wink: ) were upset that Jim Shooter was no longer involved in Valiant.
1993 - some "old school fans" (since 1991-1992) were upset that print runs went from 50,000 to 250,000+ making the comics less collectible.
1994 - some "old school fans" (since 1991-1993) were upset that Valiant was sold to video game maker Acclaim.
1995 - some "old school fans" were upset that Acclaim was making Valiant look more like Image and cancelling titles.
1996 - some "old school fans" were upset that Acclaim was cancelling all of the Valiant titles.
1997 - some "old school fans" were upset that Acclaim was rebooting Valiant as "Acclaim Comics Valiant Heroes" and making major changes.
1998 - some "old school fans" were upset that Acclaim was cancelling Acclaim Comics Valiant Heroes.
1999 - some "old school fans" were upset that Acclaim was rebooting again, and only making a couple of titles.
2000 - some "old school fans" were upset that Acclaim was late on shipping the few titles they were printing.
2001 - some "old school fans" were upset that Acclaim was cancelling instead of shipping late.
2002 - some "old school fans" were upset that Acclaim was not producing any comics.
2003 - some "old school fans" were upset that Acclaim did make one 2002 comic, Turok Evolution, but they couldn't find the EB Games variant.
2004 - some "old school fans" were upset that Acclaim filed bankruptcy and Valiant was officially dead.

Jump ahead to the sale of the Valiant properties in 2005 and the lack of any new Valiant comics until 2012 and you have 7 years of a contingent of "old school fans" were upset for all kinds of reasons, most importantly, that there weren't any new Valiant comics to read for 7 years.

2012 - some "old school fans" were upset that Valiant was rebooting with X-O #1 instead of keeping X-O #68 (and the 1990s Valiant universe) as official.
2013 - some "old school fans" were upset that Valiant was rebooting Acclaim's Quantum & Woody instead of bringing back other favorite Valiant universe characters.
2014 - some "old school fans" were upset that Valiant was making more and more variants, so that a complete Valiant collection became essentially impossible.
2015 - some "old school fans" were upset that Valiant was not keeping all the numbering going on the new series, making too many #1s.
2016 - some "old school fans" were upset that Valiant was cancelling X-O Manowar at #50, not keeping even one of their new series going with the numbering.
2017 - some "old school fans" were upset that Valiant was starting X-O Manowar over at #1, so there are now four X-O Manowar series (1992, 1997, 2012, 2017) but only 2012 and 2017 are officially in the current universe.

No matter what happens next, there will always be some "old school fans" upset that Valiant isn't spelled with all capital letters - VALIANT - anymore.

These are literally just a few of the examples that could have been listed.

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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by nonplayer »

I'm *SQUEE* off because I've done so much to advertise Valiant in my town and still I'm like tigger "the only one"
I feel annoyed Valiant cancelled the story of Harbinger to be replaced with kids stuff that dilutes the universe.
Then end bloodshot then xo. Yes re booting is annoying but valiants been doing a great job flowing bloodshot into the next titles.
What I don't understand is why the big pause with bloodshot. One thought is they want to reboot bloodshot with the webisodes which makes sence. But right now feels like the calm before the storm.
I excepted the fact I don't have to like everything Valiant puts out and I don't have to buy it. Also I don't like minis or one shots so I don't spend my money on them or invest my caring about them.
Just like Valiant needs to cancel Harbinger and Dysart for their own reasons I have to be honist with my self and be more selective in what I invest in. Case in point xo dead drop. I'm the biggest xo fans from back in the day therefor in my mind I must get everything xo. Dead drop was a side story that had no weight in the universe. Thank Archer I didn't invest in it. Because I'd feel bad spending my money on :!:
That was the turning point for me. Stay with my xo fandom and get everything xo Or make a line in the sand and not let my fandom trick me out of my own money.
Valiant did such an amazing launch that I felt but hurt when they started cancelling titles and putting out stuff that didn't strike home for me, because that takes away from me supporting them.
I Miss the good old days.

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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by Ricomortis »


I'm definitely considered old school.

Here is my opinion.

Pre-Unity rocked! Something new and fresh to the comic world. Loved it!

Post-Unity sucked! Hated the majority of it.

Acclaim sucked! Wasn't even in to comic books anymore during that fiasco.

VEI! I was so skeptical in the beginning. Nervous that it would be worse than Acclaim. Boy was I wrong. As a hard core VH1 collector.... And now after 5 years of printing.... I honestly have to say... I like VEI more than VH1. All the variant, gimmicks, stunts, etc. have zero impact on my view on what they have been able to accomplish.

Everyone through the years focus on the negative... Y is that? People afraid to talk up the good... Afraid of being a suck *SQUEE*? Well, I can say... Bravo! To Dinesh and company for taking such risks and breathing such a breath of fresh air into this crap comic world.

I mean... Really... Step back and look at the big picture of VEI! Tell me that we are not better off with VEI than without. X-O (V-Ditty) and even the great beginning by Matt Kindt. Dysart's Harbinger, Harbinger Wars and Imperium.... Those right there are enough to call ball game! What about FVL on Archer and Armstrong and the masterpiece of Ivar, Timewalker?

Artists... We now have , Mico, Larosa, Henry, Diego, Cafu to name a few... That just BLOW away the majority of the competition. Man some of these guys... Just WOW!

Marketing... Advancements in the industry. Always... Always pushing forward and taking risks.

Just saying... I am very impressed on how they push forward on EVERY aspect of the company. They are relentless and I LOVE it. The way they treat and respect their fans... I LOVE it. There truly is no other company close to them IMO. And to be honest... I think my opinion does matter... (Not to be arrogant) but because I spend a LOT of money on this hobby.... Well... And the majority of it goes to VEI!

Keep it up boys.... Keep it up!

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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by Gafti »

My initial question was probably worded poorly. Apologies to those who took offense.
The impetus for this thread was mostly just a vibe I was getting from this board and from the VCP.
I'm 100% happy with everything that I have read so far, and that includes this summer's releases.
That's said, I don't read Faith, or Gen Zero. My guess is that the main beef people have is with those two series in particular?
If we were talking about Marvel, I could see complaints about diversity being legit. I honestly don't really see a diversity agenda among the Valiant books that I have read though.
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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by TheeBaldMoose »

while I am not old school, not by a long shot, I would have to say I am just about the opposite. I have little love for the VH1 run and even less for the Acclaim run. I've collected and read just about everything VEI has put out and have enjoyed everything so far. VH1, maybe it's just me, but I can't get past most of the art. The story lines are rough as well, as I usually lose interest a few pages in. Now, I've found that I have recently attempted to purchase some of the better VH1 collectibles, but as far as stories/art goes, it's just not my bag.

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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by Keith »

I'm OG Valiant from 1992 (A&A #0, represent!), and I am extremely satisfied with the current direction of VEI. I might not be overly enamored with some of their decisions (Batgirl-inspired Faith, whacky Adv. of A&A after FVLs masterpiece run, Greg Pak's nonsensical first arc of Eternal Warrior, Dead Drop) but I think they have done a fantastic job overall.

The important things for me are well told stories that follow a tight continuity with the characters that I love. VEI is doing that.
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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by nonplayer »

Gafti wrote:My initial question was probably worded poorly. Apologies to those who took offense.
The impetus for this thread was mostly just a vibe I was getting from this board and from the VCP.
I'm 100% happy with everything that I have read so far, and that includes this summer's releases.
That's said, I don't read Faith, or Gen Zero. My guess is that the main beef people have is with those two series in particular?
If we were talking about Marvel, I could see complaints about diversity being legit. I honestly don't really see a diversity agenda among the Valiant books that I have read though.
Right now I'm only getting xo. I don't mind faith I just don't want to collect them. Gen 0 is not my cuppa tea, Ninjak I don't like spy stuff and I figured it would go the same rout as all the others so why invest my time and money into something that gets shut down. I had no idea it would go and go and go higher than xo.
When I started I didn't intend on getting bloodshot or Harbinger ongoing. The first few issues blew my sox off so they became a staple cherished like xo. Boom gone.
Looking forward to the future keeps me going.
I Miss the good old days.

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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by Dallow Spicer1 »

Whilst I wasn't a fan from the very beginning, I did start reading Valiant in the 90's and all through the Acclaim years. Some VH1 stuff was excellent, original and edgy but a lot of it was unreadable.

Whilst I don't like everything VEI puts out, the quality is far better than it's even been in the past and overall I'm very happy with the direction of Dinesh and the crew.

On the odd occasion I dip into Marvel or DC, some of that stuff is poor in comparison to XO, Rai, Savage etc

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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by jmatt »

Ricomortis wrote:Well...

I'm definitely considered old school.

Here is my opinion.

Pre-Unity rocked! Something new and fresh to the comic world. Loved it!

Post-Unity sucked! Hated the majority of it.

Acclaim sucked! Wasn't even in to comic books anymore during that fiasco.

I've been reading and collecting Valiant since V1 X-O #7 and have a sizable and complete collection of the 90s stuff.

Pre-Unity was great, Unity was a pinnacle. Then Shooter left and the magic started to ebb. I hung on almost to the end and then threw in the towel.

Back then, by year three I was wondering if the magic would ever return. Year five of VEI and the magic is still as strong as it was back in 2012.

VEI's incarnation easily supersedes the 90's compendium of work, taken in toto. Sure, I like some of the titles more than the others, but I still eagerly look forward to every Wednesday at 11am.

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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by ShadowTuga »

jmatt wrote:
Ricomortis wrote:Well...

I'm definitely considered old school.

Here is my opinion.

Pre-Unity rocked! Something new and fresh to the comic world. Loved it!

Post-Unity sucked! Hated the majority of it.

Acclaim sucked! Wasn't even in to comic books anymore during that fiasco.

I've been reading and collecting Valiant since V1 X-O #7 and have a sizable and complete collection of the 90s stuff.

Pre-Unity was great, Unity was a pinnacle. Then Shooter left and the magic started to ebb. I hung on almost to the end and then threw in the towel.

Back then, by year three I was wondering if the magic would ever return. Year five of VEI and the magic is still as strong as it was back in 2012.

VEI's incarnation easily supersedes the 90's compendium of work, taken in toto. Sure, I like some of the titles more than the others, but I still eagerly look forward to every Wednesday at 11am.
I haven't read all of Valiant's original incarnation, but the best that I have read (Magnus first arc, Solar, Rai, Bob Hall's Shadowman) does not hold a candle when compared to the best of VEI (Dysart's books, V-ditty's X-O, FVL's Immortal Brothers stuff, the Fall of... books, The Valiant, etc).

Best Example:
I read BWS's A&A in 2012, I think, and I can honestly say that FVL's run is so much more enjoyable to me. Don't get me wrong, BWS is a freaking Legend (Weapon X is one of the best superhero comics ever crafted, both scrip, art and colors and I simply adore his X-Men issues with Storm for 2 random examples), but FVL did something that it is so far, unique around these parts: you'd laugh in any given issue, but there were always cool stuff about the Universe around. This was where 4001 was first mentioned, along many other stuff. I know that RR's A+A tried to do something like that, but the crazyness was too much.

VH1 Ninjak is terrible comic book by numbers, imho. Harbinger is not even in the same league. X-O is a 90s book. And so is Bloodshot.

The VEI versions of these characters/series are waaaaaaaaaay Better- Dinesh and crew did so much more than they should, honestly. There was the occasional turd but lots and lots of great comics have come out in the last 5 years. And the company has a different taste than the Big 2, even if it shares some of the same gimmicks (y'all know what i'm talkin' 'bout.... 8-) ). It is a quality--oriented company.
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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by paradise »

I am pretty old school. First book was Magnus 12 VH1. Been here since early days too. Been a fan and a retailer. Lots of history.

There is no single other publisher in comics where majority of the fans feel that 100% of the output should be made to their liking. This is both good and bad. It's good because the fans feel real attachment to the brand, but it's awful because it can stop the publisher from making decisions that would lead to growth of the brand, which every publisher needs to survive. Zero growth = slow death in the current marketplace that has a huge choice, like never before, of publishers and ideas competing for the customer's attention.

I am just glad that Nerd Boss and co. did not feel the pressure to have to appease a bunch of old fans. I LOATHE A&A Adventures, but guess what, I don't have to read it. Faith is not my thing either, so I will read Invincible. But I am glad that VEI exists, my previous 20 or so years as a retailer have been considerably more boring w/out it.
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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by Gafti »

paradise wrote:I am pretty old school. First book was Magnus 12 VH1. Been here since early days too. Been a fan and a retailer. Lots of history..
That's awesome. Much respect to you from this new guy.

My LCS owner, when I told him I was obsessed with Valiant, says "Yeah. It's been at least 5 minutes since I've heard from them."
Said the company was full of just really good people.
It was nice to hear. Like I needed another reason to love Valiant. haha.

As a retailer, I have no doubt you have had the same experience with VEI, paradise.

Thanks to everybody who responded in this thread. I appreciate and value all of your opinions as longtime V fans.
Stay Valiant

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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by jmatt »

ShadowTuga wrote:VH1 Ninjak is terrible comic book by numbers, imho. Harbinger is not even in the same league. X-O is a 90s book. And so is Bloodshot.
Here's something I wasn't expecting: The longer I'm reading the VEI books, the more the shine comes off my memory of the VH1 stuff. Pre-Unity and Unity are still held in the highest regard, but overall the VH1 run seems less ... I dunno, what's the word... sophisticated.

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Re: Crisis of confidence?

Post by Ricomortis »

jmatt wrote:
ShadowTuga wrote:VH1 Ninjak is terrible comic book by numbers, imho. Harbinger is not even in the same league. X-O is a 90s book. And so is Bloodshot.
Here's something I wasn't expecting: The longer I'm reading the VEI books, the more the shine comes off my memory of the VH1 stuff. Pre-Unity and Unity are still held in the highest regard, but overall the VH1 run seems less ... I dunno, what's the word... sophisticated.
I totally agree! With some of this art and story telling... How could it not?

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