Comic Shop Visits

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Comic Shop Visits

Post by Heath »

Maybe one already exists that just hasn't been used in a while (I'm too lazy to search), but I figured we could use one thread to tell our tales of trips to comic shops.

I hadn't been to a comic shop in about 8 months (before that had been years). But last week, as part of my birthday, I went to two shops in Shreveport, LA. Then this week, as part of my Father's Day, I went to two shops in Lafayette, LA. I mentioned the Shreveport visit in another thread, so I'll mostly copy and paste that. The Lafayette trip is fresher in my mind, so that has more details.

First stop in Shreveport was to Excalibur Comics & Cards. Nice and friendly, well organized, tons of back issues, but not a single Valiant other than the Rai and X-O TPBs (including 1 each of the blue covers). They didn't even have any discount bins. I always try to buy something when I visit a shop, so I picked up a Ghost Rider back issue for an overpriced $3.00, but it was one of my favorite issues as a kid. I really wanted to pick up a CBG, but he didn't carry it.

I had more success at the second shop - Legends. They weren't as nice (and were too busy playing Magic), and not as well organized. No Valiants in the regular back issue section - they were all in the 50 cent boxes. Of course, it was mostly a ton of Rai #9s and other commons. There were also a few Acclaim books like early issues of Troublemakers and Shadowman Vol2, but nothing real desirable. No Q&W or later issues of any of the books. I picked up some issues of Secret Weapons that I was missing, an X-O #11, Valiant Reader, etc. The best find here was 2 copies of Unity 2000 #2 (still bagged with the correct cover for #1) - for 50 cents each. I asked about CBG and he offered to sell me a 3 month old issue for a dollar off cover. I said no thanks.

Lafayette was even more disappointing. The first shop, Acadiana Comics & Books, was a nice little one-room shop with lots of collectible stuff. A shelf a couple feet below the ceiling and running all the way around the room was stuffed mostly with Star Wars figures and toys (new and old) and the old toy Tie Fighters and X-Wings and Y-Wings and such were hanging from the ceiling. They had a nice assortment of new comics and recently printed TPBs on shelves against the wall. The center of the floor had a table of misc. figures and busts and such. And another table with boxes of back issues. About 10 whole boxes. A sign on each box said "All back-issues are $2.00 unless marked otherwise." While the rest of the store was very organized and well kept, the back issue boxes were another matter. They were almost in alphabetical and numerical order. Some were bagged and boarded, some weren't. Almost all had spine creases, bad corner dings, etc. And they were filled with books that would be in $0.25 boxes elsewhere. But they did have two boxes of $0.25 comics and that's where the few Valiants they had were. They were all commons - lots of Rai #9s and such. And all very scuffed and dinged. I picked up a few anyway. My best find was "Miracleman: Apocrypha" #2 and #3 for a quarter each. They would have been NM condition if not for the scuffs on the covers due to not being bagged. I also got a Ms. Mystic #1 from Pacific Comics (before Contintuity) for a 25 cents and it was in decent shape for being mistreated in a 25 cent box without a bag and board. The store had a great atmosphere and selection of new comics and related merchandise. With a better back-issue collection, they could be a really nice store. No CBG there either.

The second shop ("and books II" - I don't think "and books 1" even exists and they were not related at all to the first store) was even worse. I walked in and it was crowded with people playing Magic. There were 5' high shelving units around the walls and in the center of the store and I could see the Magic tables around one of the shelves. I made my way around the wall - the first shelf had TPBs on it (two copies each of the Harbinger & XO TPBs, but that was it for Valiant), the other shelves on that wall were old paperback books. The back corner was just dusty, empty, unused shelving units. The shelves in the middle of the floor were role playing books. Between those shelves and the opposite wall from where I started was the tables with Magic players, and behind them was the wall of new comics. I asked somebody working there if they had any back issues and he looked at me with this "Back issues? Why in the world would we have back issues?" look, but said, "No, just what is on the wall." Against my better judgement, I picked up a Wizard (nobody had a CBG) and left.
I would agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong.

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Post by GGSAE »

I had posted this about an hour earlier in the members thread, so i'll just link it to here


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Post by speedracex »

I always enjoy reading about Valiant finds, thanks for sharing, prob many good things can be found at stores, if you have the time to search through everything, I recenty picked up Magnus 3-9 for cover price a piece, and the last couple issues of Turok, all cover price, couldnt complain :thumb:

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Post by Solar_OSX »

I, too, enjoy reading about searches and finds through back issue bins for old comics. Thanks for sharing yours.

I wish there were more comic shops around. Where I live, we lost every single one of them during the great speculator bust of the mid-90s.

Now, I have to wait until I go on vacation or travel out of town to look for shops.

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Re: Comic Shop Visits


Heath wrote: The second shop ("and books II" - I don't think "and books 1" even exists and they were not related at all to the first store) was even worse. I walked in and it was crowded with people playing Magic. There were 5' high shelving units around the walls and in the center of the store and I could see the Magic tables around one of the shelves. I made my way around the wall - the first shelf had TPBs on it (two copies each of the Harbinger & XO TPBs, but that was it for Valiant), the other shelves on that wall were old paperback books. The back corner was just dusty, empty, unused shelving units. The shelves in the middle of the floor were role playing books. Between those shelves and the opposite wall from where I started was the tables with Magic players, and behind them was the wall of new comics. I asked somebody working there if they had any back issues and he looked at me with this "Back issues? Why in the world would we have back issues?" look, but said, "No, just what is on the wall." Against my better judgement, I picked up a Wizard (nobody had a CBG) and left.
I think the guy that used to own And Books II used to own the original art to Solar #1. He was big on Valiants back in the day.

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Post by Second_Death »

The available Valiants in Arkansas is no better or worse than it is in Louisiana. Aside from what might be available from in-state private collectors, including some board members, there are unfortunately no walk-in sources in this state either. Not enough market for it apparently.

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Post by GJB »

speedracex wrote:I always enjoy reading about Valiant finds, thanks for sharing, prob many good things can be found at stores, if you have the time to search through everything, I recenty picked up Magnus 3-9 for cover price a piece, and the last couple issues of Turok, all cover price, couldnt complain :thumb:
I agree speedracex. Search, even if they tell you they don't have Valiant comics in stock. I stopped by a local shop today and had been told just that several previous times. I looked through their independent boxes anyway and pulled a review copy of Shadowman #16, A DF Unity #1, and a Shadowman V3 #5 for a total of $9. Not a stellar find, but one worth my effort. The key is taking the time to dig around, which is a big part of the fun.

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Post by Heath »

I finally got around to visiting a few of the shops in my new local area (I moved to Northern Virginia for those who don't know).

First up was Big Monkey Comics in Fredericksburg, VA a few weeks ago. Decent place, not many back issues, no Valiant except for an old unbagged XO TPB. The clerk wasn't very sociable, but was friendly enough and made me a good deal on a stack of back issues I wanted (Tales of the TMNT 1 -5, and about 20 other random books for $25).

This past Saturday, I finally made it to the shop closest to my house - Painted Visions Comics in Woodbridge, VA. It is a nice big shop, lots of floor space, an outrageously expansive selection of TPBs and Graphic Novels, but again, not very many back issues (but at least they were all bagged and boarded and well organized - always a plus for me). This is where I picked up Captain America 235 I mentioned in another thread, and from the small assortment of back issues, I didn't expect to find that issue. I asked about Valiant back issues and the clerk really didn't know. He said he'd only been working there a couple months and didn't really know anything about comics from before that point. He used to be a bouncer and was a friend of the owner. But he knew about Ghost Rider and loved the movie even though he hates Nicholas Cage too. (Although my wife bought me the DVD, I still haven't watched it.)

On Monday after work, I went by Nova Comics in Springfield, VA. They were hard to find and I almost gave up before finding them, but I'm glad I did. They have a much larger selection of back issues. I'm not crazy about the prices - $2.00 each for about a dozen long boxes worth of books that should be $0.25 each (older back issues), and everything else (recent back issues) cover price plus $1.00. That's not including the more expensive items they had on the wall, or the back room where they keep the good stuff. But they did seem willing to negotiate. I was on my bike so couldn't really pick up anything, but I'll be making a return trip. I asked about Valiant and he said they had a few Valiant back issues, but not many. Then I specifically asked about pre-Unity and he chuckled and said someone was in just the previous week asking that same question and started telling me about the Harbinger hardcover. But he said he had no pre-Unity and I didn't even look to see what other Valiant books he might have had. They also carry the drawer boxes and I finally got to see them assembled and in action for myself (that's how I realized the back room is where they keep all the good stuff). I'm sold on them and will pick up some on my next visit. Very friendly and knowledgeable staff there and it was my favorite of the shops I've been to so far in and around my new home town.

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Post by Stinger »

I have same experience as you, I've posted one already but I hitted a small jackpot in the bulk piles of junks. I actually posted in the Bragging threat, but I believe some of you people have missed it.


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Post by *SQUEE* »

Few months back I made a trip to Calgary Alberta hunting for Valiants. Stoped at three different shops (of the about six in town) and here is what I found.
First shop was Red Skull comics. Went in and saw that the shop was really small, filled mostly with TPB and Anima/Manga stuff. Asked the clerk if they had any back issues and he smiled and said he did not. Asked me what I was looking for and pointed me towards his DarkHorse Solar reprints, I promptly left.
Second store, Pheonix Comics NW, I had more hopes for as I had been there about 10 years earlier and was impressed. O how I was let down. Once again store was filled with TPB and Anima/Manga stuff. Asked the clerk about back issues and he sent me down to a basement guarded by a camera. Spent about an hour looking in the many long boxes only to find a horrible copy of Solar 23. Not going back there for at least another 10 years.
Finale store I went to was called Another Dimension Comics. Driving past, the store looked rather large so I was hopefull. As soon as I opened the door I was feeling like this was going to be another bust as they had the biggest area for Anima/Manga yet. But then my eyes where drawn to what looked like a hundred long boxes of back issues, all in alpahbetical order. I began digging first for X-O Manowar and was let down as they had no pre-Unity, but the very last issue in the row was an X-O Manowar Database V.V.S.S related for 2 bucks. They had most of the post-Unity books for cover price (WTF) but I did pick up Magnus and Solar Pre-Unity complete runs for about 4 bucks a book. Tried to talk the clerk down in price but only manged to get them to eat the tax.
All in all not too bad, I will have to check the other stores out next time I get a day off work.

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Post by Stinger »

I have observed that all of us have similiar problems with comic shop and back issues. I notice that a lot of comic book stores survive with selling newstands and tradepaperback for the last decade. It tells me how much second-market comic businesses have drained in the hole of ebay/Internet from the reality.

All what we can do with comic stores is just having fun to hunt the treasures.

Those days that Valiants were so hot that they would mount hottest issues on the wall, so that you don't have to go browse in the boxes. Right now, we have to dive in the junkies.

It's really worth to do that, just think about it: Valiant is coming back.

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Post by 400yrs »

On Monday, I went to a shop with tons of 90s overstock. Most of his overstock books were $.10 each. I picked up a stack of Bloodshot and X-O 0s to cover the windows in my comic room and use the inner pages for shipping cushioning. These books came from a wall of long boxes which I had gone through before.

He also had another wall of long boxes with the same type of stuff which I couldn't look through before since the store hadn't gone through it on their own. The owner was there so he let me go through it this time. He said that the books weren't priced yet, but he'd do it at the register. Since it was all the same mung, I figured it would be $.10 a book too.

There was a short box of A&A BWS book (no 0s, a few 1s and 2s) and another box pretty much filled with Unity 0s and 1s. I left those there, but took up the 2 EW 1s that I found. I wanted to make sure that they'd be $.10 a book before I brought all of that stuff up to the counter. Well, he started ringing me up and he didn't tell me the price on the EWs. So, I asked....... I'm not going to let some meathead ring me up without knowing what he's charging. :mad: .... He said $2 per book. So I told him I'd put them back. I asked about the rest of the books (I would've bought all of them at $.10 per book). He said anything unity and before was $2 and anything after unity was $.50. He'll have those books sitting there forever. Why stores don't want to move dime-a-dozen books and would rather have them sitting there for another 15 year is beyond me.

My area (Central Florida) is tapped. Don't bother going to shops looking for VALIANT stuff around here. I don't anymore.

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Post by Escaflown4 »

Heath wrote:I finally got around to visiting a few of the shops in my new local area (I moved to Northern Virginia for those who don't know).

First up was Big Monkey Comics in Fredericksburg, VA a few weeks ago. Decent place, not many back issues, no Valiant except for an old unbagged XO TPB. The clerk wasn't very sociable, but was friendly enough and made me a good deal on a stack of back issues I wanted (Tales of the TMNT 1 -5, and about 20 other random books for $25).

This past Saturday, I finally made it to the shop closest to my house - Painted Visions Comics in Woodbridge, VA. It is a nice big shop, lots of floor space, an outrageously expansive selection of TPBs and Graphic Novels, but again, not very many back issues (but at least they were all bagged and boarded and well organized - always a plus for me). This is where I picked up Captain America 235 I mentioned in another thread, and from the small assortment of back issues, I didn't expect to find that issue. I asked about Valiant back issues and the clerk really didn't know. He said he'd only been working there a couple months and didn't really know anything about comics from before that point. He used to be a bouncer and was a friend of the owner. But he knew about Ghost Rider and loved the movie even though he hates Nicholas Cage too. (Although my wife bought me the DVD, I still haven't watched it.)

On Monday after work, I went by Nova Comics in Springfield, VA. They were hard to find and I almost gave up before finding them, but I'm glad I did. They have a much larger selection of back issues. I'm not crazy about the prices - $2.00 each for about a dozen long boxes worth of books that should be $0.25 each (older back issues), and everything else (recent back issues) cover price plus $1.00. That's not including the more expensive items they had on the wall, or the back room where they keep the good stuff. But they did seem willing to negotiate. I was on my bike so couldn't really pick up anything, but I'll be making a return trip. I asked about Valiant and he said they had a few Valiant back issues, but not many. Then I specifically asked about pre-Unity and he chuckled and said someone was in just the previous week asking that same question and started telling me about the Harbinger hardcover. But he said he had no pre-Unity and I didn't even look to see what other Valiant books he might have had. They also carry the drawer boxes and I finally got to see them assembled and in action for myself (that's how I realized the back room is where they keep all the good stuff). I'm sold on them and will pick up some on my next visit. Very friendly and knowledgeable staff there and it was my favorite of the shops I've been to so far in and around my new home town.
Wow you actually are close to where I live now. I've been wanting to check out Nova Comics, but never seem to find the time. So far I have been visiting Phoenix Comics in Centreville and E.G. Comics in Vienna for my comic needs. Unfortunately both places have been cleaned out of the desirable Valiants. Last week, I checked out this placed called Anime Pavilion in Falls Church and the only good deal I got were two copies of Hulk #92 first print for cover.

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Post by Escaflown4 »

Stinger wrote:I have observed that all of us have similiar problems with comic shop and back issues. I notice that a lot of comic book stores survive with selling newstands and tradepaperback for the last decade. It tells me how much second-market comic businesses have drained in the hole of ebay/Internet from the reality.

All what we can do with comic stores is just having fun to hunt the treasures.

Those days that Valiants were so hot that they would mount hottest issues on the wall, so that you don't have to go browse in the boxes. Right now, we have to dive in the junkies.

It's really worth to do that, just think about it: Valiant is coming back.
In a way, this was better then a year or two ago where the store owners / dealers would snicker or even laugh at you when you asked for Valiants. Nowadays, they seem willing to converse with you about how great they were in the early 90's. :thumb:

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Post by tssgery »

Heath wrote:I finally got around to visiting a few of the shops in my new local area (I moved to Northern Virginia for those who don't know).

First up was Big Monkey Comics in Fredericksburg, VA a few weeks ago. Decent place, not many back issues, no Valiant except for an old unbagged XO TPB. The clerk wasn't very sociable, but was friendly enough and made me a good deal on a stack of back issues I wanted (Tales of the TMNT 1 -5, and about 20 other random books for $25).

This past Saturday, I finally made it to the shop closest to my house - Painted Visions Comics in Woodbridge, VA. It is a nice big shop, lots of floor space, an outrageously expansive selection of TPBs and Graphic Novels, but again, not very many back issues (but at least they were all bagged and boarded and well organized - always a plus for me). This is where I picked up Captain America 235 I mentioned in another thread, and from the small assortment of back issues, I didn't expect to find that issue. I asked about Valiant back issues and the clerk really didn't know. He said he'd only been working there a couple months and didn't really know anything about comics from before that point. He used to be a bouncer and was a friend of the owner. But he knew about Ghost Rider and loved the movie even though he hates Nicholas Cage too. (Although my wife bought me the DVD, I still haven't watched it.)

On Monday after work, I went by Nova Comics in Springfield, VA. They were hard to find and I almost gave up before finding them, but I'm glad I did. They have a much larger selection of back issues. I'm not crazy about the prices - $2.00 each for about a dozen long boxes worth of books that should be $0.25 each (older back issues), and everything else (recent back issues) cover price plus $1.00. That's not including the more expensive items they had on the wall, or the back room where they keep the good stuff. But they did seem willing to negotiate. I was on my bike so couldn't really pick up anything, but I'll be making a return trip. I asked about Valiant and he said they had a few Valiant back issues, but not many. Then I specifically asked about pre-Unity and he chuckled and said someone was in just the previous week asking that same question and started telling me about the Harbinger hardcover. But he said he had no pre-Unity and I didn't even look to see what other Valiant books he might have had. They also carry the drawer boxes and I finally got to see them assembled and in action for myself (that's how I realized the back room is where they keep all the good stuff). I'm sold on them and will pick up some on my next visit. Very friendly and knowledgeable staff there and it was my favorite of the shops I've been to so far in and around my new home town.
I may need to drop back by NOVA, it sounds like they've improved quite a bit since I was last there... about 2 years ago.

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Post by mobstirr »

Two stores here locally.

One offers a 15% discount on new books and has a decent selection of back issues. The owner is very much a comic book enthusiast and all around nice guy. For whatever reason, though, he stopped coming out to the store and has some creepy flunky running it. I stopped going there about a year and a half ago because I didn't like the way the flunky guy looked at my son.

The second store is part of a small regional chain. Lot o' people in there playing Magic, Heroclix, and the like, but no good back issues. The few back issues there are sorely overpriced. No discount on new comics (can you beleive that?), but some absurd "frequent flyer" type points program. Good luck getting help from the staff; the owner is pretty much a horse's backside. That's sad because I was their very first customer. I never shop there now.

I do all of my business online now, altho I really miss having a GOOD comic shop to go to.

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Post by schi0249 »

There is 1 store in my current town. They have misc. Valiant commons in a $.25, but all are w/o bags and in maybe vf/g shape. They have a good selection of Valiants in their regular backstock (little pre-Unity) but they are mostly $2+. When I asked about the Harbinger TPB, guy told me no way was he ordering it unless it was a custom order.

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Re: Comic Shop Visits

Post by tarheelmarine »

Heath wrote: Against my better judgement, I picked up a Wizard (nobody had a CBG) and left.
Books a Million sells these, it's best to get a subscription. I picked up a Wizard to see what's going on with the magazine and I prefer CBG to it.

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Post by Heath »

I took my family to spend the weekend with my Aunt in West Chester, PA and went by a shop there. I don't have the business card handy, but it was something like "TCS Presents Comics & Games". The front of the shop was small and kind of crowded with a couple dozen long boxes of back issues in the middle of the room but there was a large gaming room in the back with just tables and chairs.

More recent mainstream titles were on the back issue table and older indie stuff was on the floor organized by publisher. I found a dozen or so commons in the "Valiant" section. In the "Acclaim" section, they had Shadowman 16 (non glow) through 20, N.I.O #1, Darque Passages #1 and a handful of others all for around $5 to $6 each. I just couldn't spend that much on an Acclaim book, so they're still there. I did get Concrete Jungle out of the quarter bin, but it's in quarter bin condition. I asked if he had any pre-Unity stashed away and he said probably so. He said he had about 20,000 books he had to go through, grade, price etc and if I left him a list of what I was looking for he'd pull out anything he found.

I was pretty impressed with the condition of the back issue bins. These are usually neglected in most stores I've been too with a lot of books having yellowed, brittle bags, or the brown non acid-free backing boards, or just ratty looking bags with the corners of the tabs folded up and sticking out and all crinkly, or boxes having too many or too few books in them resulting in either spine damage from slumping or top damage from thumbing. But everything there had new bags and boards, boxes were properly filled, and every back issue had a price tag on the front, and a CGC style grade written on the back of the backing board. Now, I don't know a whole lot about the intricacies of grading, but the grades appeared accurate and fair to me.

He had a stack of the original original Ghost Rider on the counter. This is the old Western series. Issues 1 through 7, most in VF condition with #3 being in G/VG. I wish I could have picked them all up. Instead, I asked if he had any of the Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider and he pulled out Marvel Spotlight #8 (F) and #9 (VF) from behind the counter. Both are books I've wanted for a long long time. I worked my ninja-like negotiating skills (which consisted of simply asking "What kind of deal can you make me on these?" and accepting whatever he had to say in return) and got the pair for around $20. So I got those (which I'm stoked to finally have) and a handful of quarter bin books. I could have spent a lot more money there if I wasn't so cheap.

It was one of the best shops I've been. The attention to detail with the back issues was a very positive thing for me.

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Post by tanord »

Heath wrote: I worked my ninja-like negotiating skills .
I hear this term quite a bit. What does this mean? Stealth?

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Post by Xero »

I found a new lcs recently, and asked the owner about VALIANT Comics. He said he loved them, and had tons of them, but had them in back/at home. I guess he took them out of the store when demand dropped? But I emailled him my list and he's gone through his back stock, I've got a handful more to grab before he starts selling off his collection. Thought it was awesome that 1, i was talking to comic shop owner that knew what VALIANT Comics were, but 2, really enjoyed them.

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Daniel Jackson
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Post by Daniel Jackson »

tanord wrote:
Heath wrote: I worked my ninja-like negotiating skills .
I hear this term quite a bit. What does this mean? Stealth?
It means I'll rip out your still beating heart and show it to you before you die, if you don't give me a good deal........

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Favorite character: VH1 Shadowman; VEI X-O
Favorite title: VH1 Shadowman; VEI X-O, Harb
Favorite writer: Bob Hall; Dysart, Van Lente
Location: Torque's Hundred-Yard-Long New Orleans Saints' Themed Dining Hall

Post by Heath »

tanord wrote:
Heath wrote: I worked my ninja-like negotiating skills .
I hear this term quite a bit. What does this mean? Stealth?
See, Ninjas are the most awesome creatures ever to live on Earth. They are totally sweet. If a ninja wants something, he gets it. But all ninjas want is to flip out and kill people. Usually by chopping their heads off. Ninjas hold amazing powers and are the best ever at anything they do. So to say you do something "ninja-like" means you do it in the most awesomest, kick-*SQUEE*, head-chopping-off way imaginable.

Since the guy at the comic shop didn't cut his own head off in awe over my negotiating skills, my reference was obviously one made in jest. I don't really have ninja powers. I just hope my little joke didn't make any nearby ninjas super *SQUEE*.

You can learn more about these amazing, beautiful, and awesome creatures known as Ninjas at this site.

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Post by Brother J »

Heath wrote:I took my family to spend the weekend with my Aunt in West Chester, PA and went by a shop there. I don't have the business card handy, but it was something like "TCS Presents Comics & Games". The front of the shop was small and kind of crowded with a couple dozen long boxes of back issues in the middle of the room but there was a large gaming room in the back with just tables and chairs.

More recent mainstream titles were on the back issue table and older indie stuff was on the floor organized by publisher. I found a dozen or so commons in the "Valiant" section. In the "Acclaim" section, they had Shadowman 16 (non glow) through 20, N.I.O #1, Darque Passages #1 and a handful of others all for around $5 to $6 each. I just couldn't spend that much on an Acclaim book, so they're still there. I did get Concrete Jungle out of the quarter bin, but it's in quarter bin condition. I asked if he had any pre-Unity stashed away and he said probably so. He said he had about 20,000 books he had to go through, grade, price etc and if I left him a list of what I was looking for he'd pull out anything he found.

I was pretty impressed with the condition of the back issue bins. These are usually neglected in most stores I've been too with a lot of books having yellowed, brittle bags, or the brown non acid-free backing boards, or just ratty looking bags with the corners of the tabs folded up and sticking out and all crinkly, or boxes having too many or too few books in them resulting in either spine damage from slumping or top damage from thumbing. But everything there had new bags and boards, boxes were properly filled, and every back issue had a price tag on the front, and a CGC style grade written on the back of the backing board. Now, I don't know a whole lot about the intricacies of grading, but the grades appeared accurate and fair to me.

He had a stack of the original original Ghost Rider on the counter. This is the old Western series. Issues 1 through 7, most in VF condition with #3 being in G/VG. I wish I could have picked them all up. Instead, I asked if he had any of the Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider and he pulled out Marvel Spotlight #8 (F) and #9 (VF) from behind the counter. Both are books I've wanted for a long long time. I worked my ninja-like negotiating skills (which consisted of simply asking "What kind of deal can you make me on these?" and accepting whatever he had to say in return) and got the pair for around $20. So I got those (which I'm stoked to finally have) and a handful of quarter bin books. I could have spent a lot more money there if I wasn't so cheap.

It was one of the best shops I've been. The attention to detail with the back issues was a very positive thing for me.

Hmmm, a local shop I didn't know about... :hm:

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The Saints will win the Super-Bowl!
The Saints will win the Super-Bowl!
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Valiant fan since: 1992
Favorite character: VH1 Shadowman; VEI X-O
Favorite title: VH1 Shadowman; VEI X-O, Harb
Favorite writer: Bob Hall; Dysart, Van Lente
Location: Torque's Hundred-Yard-Long New Orleans Saints' Themed Dining Hall

Post by Heath »

I've got the business card handy now. It's "TDS Enterprises Presents Comics & Games." They're at 14 South Church Street in West Chester, PA. They were previously at 22 South Church Street, but just moved a few doors down from there. Their web site is As I was browsing the back issues, I overheard the guy say they had just shot a TV commercial the day before which would be running in the local area.

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