Which complete runs are worth reading?

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Post by Russfoot »

I almost started my own thread based on this topic, but as it stands it makes more sence to just reply here.

IMHO, there were 4 Valiant titles that remained readable and enjoyable to the bitter end.

(In no particular order;) Bloodshot, Eternal Warrior*, Shadowman**, and Turok.

*It's funny EW became one the last few Valiant books I still read because it was never one of my favorites to begin with. Never the less, it remained solid and true to itself until the end.

**Lord help me, I think I might actually *prefer* the later "leatherjacket wearing/vodoo powered/spilt personality Shadowman better then orginal consept of the character.

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Post by fury143 »

I would have to say I read Shadowman, Archer +Armstrong and Bloodshot to the end when they first came out. I think i am partial to Archer +Armstrong since it was the first Valiant comic I read. The Shadowman stories were good until the end although Jack was the best of them. I liked the book mixed with New Orleans, jazz and voodoo:)

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Post by xodacia81 »

Although this has been done many times before, it never gets tired, nor do I of adding my two cents to it. I really have come to believe that Eternal Warrior, Bloodshot, Shadowman and Turok were the only books of extreme length that never truly lost their way. Solar, Magnus, XO-all of them ended up with fates so gruesome, the MPAA would have shut them down. The only book that never had a single real lapse, in my humble opinion, was Dr. Mirage, but then again, it only lasted 18 issues and I often debate the quality of the final three books. XO might be my favorite character/concept, but Bloodshot, Shadowman and EW were/are the books that never lost it. Yep, Turok was good too, but some of the stories were a little goofy, ie, just not to my taste. Still, these four were, in the end, the cream of the crop, despite all the best work being in the first 18 months of the Universe.

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