Re-Reading: X-O Manowar #64

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Re-Reading: X-O Manowar #64

Post by xoken »

I thought we could do a book a day (that way people can read one every day or catch up on weekends), talk about it on its own, in the context of whats next, in regards to what expectations it creates and vote on how good it is. I don't have to be the one that posts everyday. If I miss a day or if someone wants to take over please do

For voting think of your single favourite comic book (not just VALIANT) as the benchmark - thats a 10 - and grade according to that.

Make sure to mention what you like'd about the book, what you didn't, what you wish they would have done, your favourite panels, lines of dialogue, little bits of trivia etc.

X-O Manowar #64

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Daniel Jackson
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Post by Daniel Jackson »

I must say this issue was a very pleasant surprise. You would think the book would end up with yet another huge knock down drag out battle, but it's not. How Aric deals with Master Darque is reminiscent of the way the "old Aric" would have taken care of business.

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Re: Re-Reading: X-O Manowar #64

Post by magnusr »

That was easy. Are we back to the old, "even without the armor, Aric rules", or did they realise it was a mistake to let Darque have the armor? A disappointment either way. At least not a stupid fight. I guess they had backed themselves into a corner, and this was actually the best way out. Unfortunately it is also an example of how events with possibly very big implications for the rest of the universe were used seemingly without second thought.


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Todd Luck
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Post by Todd Luck »

First panel... :lol:

Sorry, what happened to Aric's hair?!? He had a long pony tail last issue and now his hair's short. Not only was he unconscious long enough that someone mysteriously gave him a hair cut but he also grew a thick 5 o'clock shadow while he was out! Damn! :lol:

The art is horrible and barely publishable (it looks like a super rush job). The armor looks horrible.

Now for the part that don't make sense. First, those who've actually read previous comics with Master Darque know....

1) His tatoos fade when he's depowered. He wouldn't have any tatoos if he literally used up all his power. He's got full fledged tattos the entire story here. Oops.

2) Darque stored tons and tons of necromatic power inside coffins on his estate (Secrets of the VU #2). There's no reason he couldn't have used these to recharge his energy.

3) Let's say #2 didn't work. Then he would just get power by taking the soul of one of his henchmen. This is what he's always done in the past. Even with the armor, it seems strange for Darque to walk around with so little power that he couldn't heal a cut.

And even if you're not familar with the character there's...

4) Why go through all that trouble to get the armor and then walk around in the thing without the helmet!?! Certainly not because it looks good (because it doesn't). Without the helmet Darque is just as vulnerable as if he wasn't wearing armor at all. The only purpose it served while he was sleeping was to act as a glorified motion detector. It just seems silly and stupid to have him go through all that to get the armor and then have him use it like that.

This was, bare none, the cheapest stupidest way to kill Darque. And how was it "barbarian"? We've certainly never seen Aric behave like that. That seems more like the type of sneaky under handed crap that *SQUEE* him off back in the early title (like when Ken was going to ambush him in X-O 5, etc.)

Anyway, bringing Darque back just to cheaply kill him was stupid. I didn't even bother looking at X-O again until long after it was canceled.

A 3.

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